7 Tips to Avoid Pickpockets in Europe

Police in Paris, France
Police in Paris

When I was traveling solo in Paris, I always felt safe and never really worried about pickpockets. It wasn’t until a nice older gentleman on the Metro gave me a warning that the station I was at was well-known for pickpockets that I became acutely aware. This brought me back to when I was a teen in Italy and I watched a female try to snatch my dad’s handbag that was holding all of our passports, I saw this happening and yelled to my dad which scared the pickpocket away. I’ve learned through my travels that a little common sense can go a long way in terms of not making yourself an easy target. Below you’ll find my best tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way and in all my travels, I’ve never been a victim to a pickpocket and you don’t have to be either!

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1. Prepare before you go

Start by anticipating the possibility of losing your passport or credit cards. Create photocopies of your passport, including the number and photo, and ensure you can access your credit card accounts online in case of theft. As a precaution, leave a spare card at the hotel if feasible. In the unfortunate event of passport loss, obtaining a replacement is crucial for your return home. Report the incident to the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate, and having a copy with your photo can expedite the process as you will need to prove your citizenship.

Click here for what to do if you lose your passport

2. Wear a Money Belt

Money belts can keep your valuables hidden and are a good way to avoid pickpockets. Money belts are discreet and can be a convenient way to carry essential items without drawing attention to yourself. They provide a concealed storage option, allowing you to access your valuables more discreetly than traditional pockets or bags.

Click here for Money Belts on Amazon

3. Be vigilant in Public Transportation & Crowded Places

Metro in Paris, France
Paris Metro

Public transportation and crowded areas are hot spots for pickpockets. Being vigilant in these areas can help you avoid them. Keep your belongings close and secure and being mindful of those around you can help. I was warned about the Metro having pickpockets in Paris but honestly, I only once felt unsafe. When I did feel someone didn’t feel right to me on the train, I simply jumped off the train car and hopped on the one behind it. Don’t feel you have to stay on the train if you feel threatened.

Also, crowded touristy areas like the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower can be a prime spot for pickpockets. Just be aware of your surroundings and hold on to your belongings. Honestly, I went to the Eiffel Tower alone at night and never felt unsafe!

4. Leave Valuables at Home

I know we all love to show off our fancy diamond rings or necklaces (if you are fortunate enough to own them) but consider leaving expensive or flashy jewelry at home, especially items that may draw attention. This is just a good precaution to avoid pickpockets while in Europe. It’s usually best to opt for more subtle or inexpensive pieces that won’t attract as much interest.

5. Learn About Certain Scams in Different Countries

When I was in Italy my dad almost was mugged by an innocent-looking female posing as a beggar. She was known in Italy as a Gypsy pickpocket and I was able to stop the theft because someone had warned me about them beforehand. The lady had walked up to my dad with a newspaper draped over her hand and asked him for change and when he looked down, she tried to snatch his bag that he had around his hand. I saw this happening and screamed and pushed my dad out of the way and the lady ran away. His bag happened to have all our passports! Of course not all Gypsies or beggars are pickpockets, I just happened to see her reach her hand towards my dad’s bag.

Researching these types of scams in advance can only help you be prepared and know how to avoid these types of pickpockets.

6. Be Careful at ATMs 

Woman hand insert a credit card into an ATM machine

ATMs and surrounding areas may be targets for pickpockets primarily because people using ATMs may be focused on their transactions, making them potential targets for pickpockets who take advantage of distracted individuals. Additionally, after using an ATM, individuals often have cash on hand, making them attractive targets for thieves. Some tips at ATMs include only using an ATM in a well-lit area. Also, choosing an ATM in a busy area is best as having more witnesses could deter the pickpockets. Lastly, after completing your transaction, secure your cash, wallet, and any valuable items before leaving the ATM area.

7. Try not to Stand Out as an Obvious Tourist

Let’s face it, being a tourist makes you a target, you’re unfamiliar with the area, and the language and it makes you more vulnerable. Blending in with the local crowd and avoiding standing out as a tourist can help you avoid being a target for pickpockets.
One tip is to avoid clothing that identifies you as a tourist, such as oversized backpacks, fanny packs, or clothing with prominent logos. Use a discreet camera or smartphone for photos instead of large, professional-looking cameras. When taking photos, be quick and considerate to avoid drawing attention. Lastly, walk with confidence, do not show you are lost or insecure in your environment. There are really friendly faces all over Europe so don’t be afraid to ask for help either.


Overall, I felt very safe traveling alone in Paris. I traveled extensively through Europe and so have my parents without any incidents. People in Paris were very cordial to me when I was alone and I never had a problem or really ever felt unsafe. Being prepared is your best safety measure to avoid pickpockets.

List of items you can purchase for safety when traveling

Looking for things to do around Paris? Read my blog about the top attractions in Paris and how to book them.

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